Retailers as Martech. Why media planning will transform into waterfalls based on effectiveness, from oceans based on reach.
Marketing practice changing as retailers become MarTech companies
In: advertising, Amazon, customer journey, data driven marketing, digital marketing, facebook, google, shopper journey, shopper marketing, targeting, Walmart
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The next sea change in marketing is coming fast. Are you ready?
In: advertising, Amazon, branding, consumer segmentation, customer journey, data driven marketing, digital marketing, marketing, Walmart
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Retailers are becoming publishers and ad networks, offering reach, unified IDs and a way to target active shoppers that can dramatically improve marketing ROI. Amazon could turn the big 2 into the big 3.
Marketers and media getting that synching feeling
In: advertising, digital marketing, media, mobile
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In a multiscreen era, Marketers need to measure and synch all digital behaviors across screens to use media to create brand growth
Google flunks CPG marketers…See me after class
In: advertising, digital marketing, marketing, media, path to purchase, retail, shopper insights
In my interview with Google, they flunk CPG marketers, “You get a 3 out of 10”. If you look at where the dollars are still spent, the shift isn’t happening as dramatically as it should. Mentality: I’ll leave it to the next guy to jump off the cliff.