I love the quote from HL Mencken, “My job is to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.” Here are some things I’ve said that afflicted the comfortable…but I stand by them!
- “Market research has not been data driven, it’s been study driven. We need to fully integrate digital and social data into our predictive insights.”
- About segmentation. “If your segmentation doesn’t lead to audiences who respond better, you failed.”
- About brand tracking. “If you try to reinvent brand tracking, do you know what you get? Brand Tracking! Marketers need predictive guidance.
- About innovation. “Don’t focus on product superiority. The route to innovation is promise superiority. Then just deliver on that promise.”
- About Insights. “Find the prediction embedded in your insights or all you have is empty calories.”
- “Broad reach media plans are madness for established brands. You are knowingly engineering waste that is practically irresponsible.”
- Brand loyalty. “Loyalty is a one-way metric but it better be a two-way street.”
- About your customers and marketing hubris. “You don’t own your customers, you only share them…which is why you have to fight for every purchase.”