The MMA has produced a 5-stage marketer roadmap and 15 acceleration tools for successful and painless adoption of MTA.
How marketers can successfully on-board multi-touch attribution
In: advertising, data driven marketing, data science, marketing ROI, MTA, Multi Touch Attribution
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When advertising appears to fail is it really just a measurement problem?
In: advertising, digital marketing, Marc Pritchard, market research, marketing mix modeling, marketing ROI, Multi Touch Attribution
1 Comment
Sensitive measurement system for ad effects…tune to behavior not surveys, large scale vs. small scale, user level vs. aggregated modeling.
Why does marketing fail so often and how can we do better?
In: advertising, data driven marketing, media, Mobile marketing Association, programmatic advertising, targeting
Enablement and better performance…now THAT’S one hell of a new value proposition for marketing research!
The new marketing science of targeting
In: advertising, ARF, consumer segmentation, marketing ROI, new products, non-buyers, programmatic advertising
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50% of programmatic ad spend is wasted on bad targets. Here is a new ROAS forecasting tool to get targeting right.
Is advertising relevant?
In: advertising, market research, marketing
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Only 11% of TV commercials are relevant to me as both a consumer and shopper. Reduce advertising waste by increasing the relevance of ad impressions at the moment of exposure, to individuals as BOTH consumers AND shoppers.