I have just published an affordably priced guidebook entitled “Brand-Building in a digital social, and mobile age” based on my most socially shared writings and ideas. Please check it out on Amazon and Lulu
An insider look at reinventing brand equity tracking
In: branding, facebook, market research, marketing, media, mobile, shopper insights
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Marketers don’t want brand trackers…they want brand success systems that seamlessly integrate insights, metrics, and media actions because today, it all comes at you at once.
Marketers and media getting that synching feeling
In: advertising, digital marketing, media, mobile
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In a multiscreen era, Marketers need to measure and synch all digital behaviors across screens to use media to create brand growth
Groundbreaking research: what drives smart phone users to use certain apps or websites?
In: advertising, mobile
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Although the emphasis by mobile marketers has been on location-based marketing to reach the on-the-go consumer, new research proves 68% of consumer mobile phone use occurs at home.