Marketing and Research Consulting for a Brave New World
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If we can Moneyball baseball, why not marketing and marketing research?

In: advertising, baseball, big data, digital marketing, facebook, market research, marketing
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Let’s play marketing Moneyball. Objective knowledge about media behaviors and effect on shopping should be our top priority.

Marketing research should create a team who owns big data…mastering high volume, unstructured and semi-structured data to enable high yield marketing actions.

Big data, big research possibilities emerge at ARF Conference 2014

In: advertising, big data, listening, market research
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Marketing research tool kits and skill sets must evolve beyond the n=1000, 20 minute survey.

My coverage of the ARF annual conference: do you have a digital data insights strategy? Are you working as hard to understand the sea changes in media consumption as you are to understand consumption of your brand?

How marketing and research can leverage big data and predictive analytics to deliver the right message, to the right person, at the right time, on the right screen to improve marketing ROI while staying on brand.