How marketers should think differently to unlock digital marketing’s enormous ability to build brand meaning.
How do you build brand meaning in a digital age?
In: branding, digital marketing, facebook, market research, shopper journey, social media, twitter
Google flunks CPG marketers…See me after class
In: advertising, digital marketing, marketing, media, path to purchase, retail, shopper insights
In my interview with Google, they flunk CPG marketers, “You get a 3 out of 10”. If you look at where the dollars are still spent, the shift isn’t happening as dramatically as it should. Mentality: I’ll leave it to the next guy to jump off the cliff.
Is advertising relevant?
In: advertising, market research, marketing
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Only 11% of TV commercials are relevant to me as both a consumer and shopper. Reduce advertising waste by increasing the relevance of ad impressions at the moment of exposure, to individuals as BOTH consumers AND shoppers.
Foursquare, shopkick, shopsavvy, stickybits while I grocery shop and they all do the same thing. They SLOOOOOW me down while I want to get out of there FAST! So, that will not work.Until mobile marketing simplifies shopping it will not hit its tipping point.
Shopper marketing takes center stage
In: shopper insights, shopper marketing
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About two years ago, I proposed that the ARF start a Shopper Insights council. While some were asking what the ARF was doing with shopper stuff, I felt that path to purchase could be the new way of determining media strategy that would make more sense for advertisers. We started the council and saw great […]