How marketing and research can leverage big data and predictive analytics to deliver the right message, to the right person, at the right time, on the right screen to improve marketing ROI while staying on brand.
My top ten most shared marketing and research blog posts
In: advertising, behavioral economics, brand extensions, digital marketing, facebook, market research, media, shopper insights, shopper marketing, social media
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List of my top ten most shared blogs focus on new fact-based insights, new ideas about digital, shopper, media strategies, discussing behavioral economics, and offer advice about marketing research methods.
Mastering shopper marketing in a digital age
In: digital marketing, shopper marketing
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Retailers must master digital as shoppers’ path to purchase often involves online and offline activities, across all screens, irrespective of where the purchase occurs.
In a multi screen world, marketers must relearn how brands are built
In: advertising, branding, digital marketing, media
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In a multi-screen world, where consumers have self-directed media experiences, Marketers need a new plan to use media to create healthy, growing brands.
From mind marketing to behavior marketing
In: advertising, digital marketing, facebook, social media
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Marketing will transform from being a battle for the mind to becoming a battle for behaviors. And, the way we researchers measure brand progress must become more native to our digital lives.