Recent evidence from over 100,000 interviews in a tightly controlled experiment proves online research, using best practices, can produce results that equally or more accurate vs. RDD phone interviewing on a series of benchmarking questions and demographics.
When are brand extensions a good idea?
In: advertising, brand extensions, branding, innovation, research, retail, shopper marketing
1 Comment
Marketers want to use brand extension strategies as much as possible today because it is a more affordable way to introduce products but the key is having enough rocket fuel, i.e. brand equity, to get the rocket (i.e. brand extension) off the ground.
As the ORQC continues its journey towards a version 1.0 solution by September, I must reiterate that the number one issue we face in marketing research projects is data consistency.
Seven ways marketing research can become strong
In: branding, Research is Cool, research transformation
Marketing research’s impact is blunted because it often gets brought into the process too late. Research must become viewed as “strong”; as embracing action and feeling accountable for business results, being future focused, a thought leader while staying true to the rigor of proven research processes.
On June 9th , the ARF Online Research Quality Council (ORQC) presented detailed findings from an unprecedented US R&D project regarding online data quality, called “Foundations of Quality” (FoQ). Now that we’re into the 90 day action plan stage, I wanted to provide an update.