Marketing and Research Consulting for a Brave New World
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Actionable brand tracking…what a concept! How to leverage loyalty dynamics and what it can do for your brands.

How to fix Marketing Research’s branding and “broken tools” problems in a digital, data-driven marketing age

Four Marketing Innovation Lessons from McDonald’s all day breakfast success

In: food and beverage, innovation, marketing
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When your offerings are designed around operational efficiency,you lose sight of consumer wants.

Researchers…are you connected to the new Brain of Marketing?

In: data driven marketing, digital marketing, DMP, market research, marketing mix modeling
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The DMP is Marketing’s new intelligence engine…and it lies OUTSIDE of the marketing research/insights team. How researchers can get back in the game.

Turn your DMP into a consumer-centered intelligence engine that serves marketing research as well as media…the must have for integrated, omnichannel and programmatic marketing done right.