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My top ten most shared marketing and research blog posts
In: advertising, behavioral economics, brand extensions, digital marketing, facebook, market research, media, shopper insights, shopper marketing, social media
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List of my top ten most shared blogs focus on new fact-based insights, new ideas about digital, shopper, media strategies, discussing behavioral economics, and offer advice about marketing research methods.
What Marketing Research Can Borrow from Behavioral Economics
In: behavioral economics, market research, marketing, path to purchase, shopper insights
1 Comment
It is important that we marketing researchers become like Behavioral economists and study how people make choices, not just the choices they make.
Take the hit or myth quiz: which marketing beliefs are true?
In: advertising, behavioral economics, branding, digital marketing, facebook, media, mobile, shopper marketing, social media
1 Comment
Sadly, marketing beliefs are often mythology, grounded in reported stories from faulty research. Take the short quiz and tell Rubinson Partners how we can help you ground your marketing team beliefs in solid evidence.