Marketing and Research Consulting for a Brave New World
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Feel the stories of people who grew up in cultures without choice where daily existence was defined by deprivation rather than hope. Freedom is spelled C-H-O-I-C-E, and that is the importance of marketing and brands.

Management intuition based on past behaviors and preferences are becoming increasingly inaccurate predictors of the future, which makes a future-focused marketing research/consumer insights function more important than ever. Use a full range of listening tools to guide the marketing organization based on anticipatory insights.

Brand Building in a Two Way World

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Brand building in a two way world will separate marketers into two groups; those who feel a sense of gain from conversation with consumers and those who feel a sense of loss because they are no longer in control. The first group is the future of marketing.

ARF President asks why is listening so scary?

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True listening is scary, that’s what’s up. It’s a big change from our traditional way of thinking. So, the single biggest opportunity in the history of consumer marketing lays dormant.

Digital marketing and shopper marketing will increasingly merge together. Mobile devices will allow people to bring information, offers, and friends (virtually) into the store with them. The internet is no longer only on your desktop, it is everywhere including right in the store.