Marketing and Research Consulting for a Brave New World
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Brands are in a dogfight for purchases. Marketers are misled about building brand engagement by consultants’ stories that retrospectively explain marketing cases with false certainty.

For an ad campaign to pay out, less than 1% of impressions need to have impact, that is, directly lead to a purchase. Accept advertising waste as part of a process that leads to brand success.

My interview with Facebook. Do people want brands on Facebook? They said We have lots of evidence that shows that people really want brands in their lives and they use brands to describe themselves.

Six ways marketers can get people to care about their brands again

In: advertising, branding, digital marketing, facebook, marketing
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Remember when the coffee brand mojo was with CPG brands like Folgers and Maxwell House? The route to addressing commoditization is not more features, it is establishing your brand as the expert on something much larger so people digitally seek you out.

The CSI era of digital marketing insights

In: branding, digital marketing, facebook, research transformation
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Like a CSI episode, where the evidence at first is invisible but then magically becomes apparent to the talented investigator, researchers need to mine the forensic evidence about what consumers want that is right there in their shopping cart and their digital behaviors.