Marketing and Research Consulting for a Brave New World
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For an ad campaign to pay out, less than 1% of impressions need to have impact, that is, directly lead to a purchase. Accept advertising waste as part of a process that leads to brand success.

Shopper marketing takes center stage

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About two years ago, I proposed that the ARF start a Shopper Insights council.  While some were asking what the ARF was doing with shopper stuff, I felt that path to purchase could be the new way of determining media strategy that would make more sense for advertisers. We started the council and saw great […]

Digitization is transformational to the media experience, advertising possibilities and media businesses. Now, the media property is the organizing principle and it must live synergistically across platforms. Advertising on traditional media no longer has to be static and served to a whole audience.

Last year, social media was still a little theoretical. Now it’s real. The advertising models are starting to emerge, consumer-created beverages via Facebook and proprietary environments have gotten launched. Listening is now being used a source of shopper insights that manufacturers are sharing with retail partners.

marketing research account teams should offer strategic thinking and branded solutions and be in the business of synthesis, deploying their creativity on ideas that drive client’s business. Be focused on value creation, embrace and use data and analytics to elevate work, and be collaborative.